1. All runners must complete a minimum of 42.195 km on the 3.54 km (2.2 mile) loop course. The loop will be measured the day before the race. This is approximately 12 laps. If the loop course is determined to be a bit short, a minimum of 42.195 km must be completed.
2. It is mandatory that all runners wear a GPS watch (Garmin, Apple, COROS, etc) during the race. No GPS watch = no finish time
3. Upon completion of the race, each runner must turn submit their GPS time, distance covered, and bib number to the race timer, who will record each runners result. Failure to do this means no finish time.
4. Race bibs must be worn.
5. No deviation from the course is allowed except for short breaks (refreshments, toilet, etc).
6. A bag drop-off is available at the start. Please label your bag with your name and bib number. The race directors and hotel bear no responsibility for items left at the start.
7. Although we plan to have a refreshment station with water, cola, and tea, each runner should plan for an unsupported race. This means that each runner should plan to bring what they need in terms of supplies and either leave it at the drop-off point at the start, or carry a hydration/backpack pack. If you have a collapsable cup for drinks, please bring it, as it will reduce the number of paper cups that are needed.
8. No littering is allowed on the race course or at the start area. Violations will result in disqualification. Please respect the village of Malbun.
9. All runners must sign and submit a waiver form to the race directors that will be distributed to each runner. If you do not sign a wavier form, you can not run, and the results for anyone deciding to run without a signed waiver form will not count. Signed waivers should be submitted before traveling to Liechtenstein by email.
10. Toilet facilities are at the Hotel Turna.
11. There are three options for Bib pickup: (1) at dinner on May 24 at the hotel; (2) at breakfast on May 25, or (3) at 7:30-7:45 on race day (May 25).
12. The race begins at 8:00 am. No early starts allowed.
13. The published time limit for the race is 8:00 hours. The race director reserve the right to accept finishers after the published time limit.
14. A medal and finishers certificate will be given to all runners who complete the marathon.
15. Race results will be posted in the race website runmalbun.de